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Liza Fisher Liza Fisher

The Habit Loop

Did you know that relying purely on willpower to change your lifestyle is most likely a recipe for disaster? There are other more effective ways to accomplish lifestyle change and reach health goals. One of the first steps I recommend taking is to understand the habit(s) you are trying to break or create. Having a clear picture of the way habits are formed helps us determine ways to foster or squash that cycle. I give you… THE HABIT LOOP (courtesy of James Clear, author of Atomic Habits).

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Liza Fisher Liza Fisher

Is it cheating or are you on a break?

When can taking a break from your health plan be an effective strategy? When you feel overwhelmed or see effects on your mental or emotional wellbeing, it might be time to be less restrictive with your health plan. Use these strategies to take a productive break that won't derail you from your goals.

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