
You may be wondering…

  • The functional medicine model supports patients and practitioners working together to discover the root causes of illness. Functional medicine treats each patient individually, exploring symptoms, health history, lifestyle factors, and more to create personalized health plans that promote healing and optimal wellness.

    For example, while some doctors may diagnose a patient with a condition based on their symptoms, a functional medicine practitioner will attempt to find out what factors are contributing to the illness in the first place.

  • I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist, or dietician. I will never prescribe a diet, medication, etc.

    I have an M.A. in Organizational Psychology and am a trained Functional Medicine Health Coach, certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine. In the fall, I will certify with the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches.

    As a coach, I can help you understand and implement a food plan, exercise regimen, or other health intervention that has been prescribed to you by your practitioner or that you have chosen to adopt.

  • A health coach is a partner that helps you achieve and sustain your ideal level of wellness. They help you explore your goals and any roadblocks that may be getting in your way. Health coaches ask questions and offer perspectives to help you set goals, work through challenges, and stay accountable to yourself.

    Many physicians now employ health coaches to assist patients with implementing the lifestyle changes that they are prescribed, as coaches have more time to dig deeper into individual needs and challenges and offer personalized support.

  • You may choose to work with a health coach to achieve:

    • Activity goals
    • Better sleep
    • Lower stress
    • New eating habits
    • Lifestyle changes suggested by your physician

    A coach will help you create a plan to reach these goals in a way that works for you.

    At Unlock Wellness, I also help with:

    • Understanding lab results
    • Choosing at-home labs to run
    • Grocery shopping
    • Pantry clean-out

  • Currently, all coaching is offered online through my virtual client portal. Grocery shopping is offered in-person and pantry clean-out is offered either virtually or in person.

  • I’m so glad you asked!

    1. Reach out: First, you can reach out to me to schedule a quick exploratory call (free!). You can schedule a call through the Contact section of my website. In this call, I’ll ask you to give me an overview of what you’d like to achieve. Together, we will determine which track (Habit Hacker or Deep Dive) fits your needs. I will review the time commitment and fee, and you will decide if you’d like to move forward.

    2. Onboard: Once you’ve decided to move forward with coaching, you will receive an email from my client portal. You will create a profile and fill out the intake forms.

    3. Program: Then we will begin coaching! Typically, clients are either on a three- or six-month program. In the first month, we begin with a 60-minute foundational call. We finish the month by meeting weekly for 30 minutes. After the first month, we begin meeting twice a month for 50 minutes. All sessions are held virtually through the client portal.

    4. Sessions: The first session will consist of a deep dive into your reason for seeking coaching and your vision of wellness. We will create a preliminary plan and start the journey! Follow-up sessions will be our time to discuss success, progress made, and any pivots you’d like to make.

    5. Wrap-Up: After completing your program, you may choose to extend your coaching time by signing up for another program. If you have reached a place where you’re ready to take the reigns solo, we will wrap up our time together. You may reach out at any time after to schedule a 50-minute check-in (for the same goal. If you want to discuss a new goal, you will begin a new program).

  • I offer two types of coaching that I call “tracks.”

    The Habit Hacker.
    This track is for you if you want to work on implementing new habits or getting rid of unwanted habits. These may be habits that you have decided to address or that your practitioner has suggested you focus on. There is a 3-month package available for The Habit Hacker.

    The Deep Dive.
    This track is for you if you want to get to the bottom of the health symptoms you’re experiencing. You may bring in lab test results from your doctor or I can assist you in choosing labs to run to find out more information. From those results, we will make a plan to start relieving your symptoms and uncovering the root cause. There is a 3-month package and a 6-month package available for The Deep Dive.

  • The cutest. Check @unlock.wellness on Instagram for proof 😊


From My Clients